Sunday, May 15, 2016

Post cards received in the Spring 2016 swap

Here are the first 5 post cards I received:
Arizona and Florida

Michigan and Hawaii

Every card is made with care, using cool techniques!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

My post cards for iHanna's Spring 2016 swap

For iHanna's Spring 2016 Post card swap:

I had intended to make some reduction linocut cards, but that didn't work out.  Maybe I should start NOW for the next swap.  So, I played around with water color and words.  The mantras helped with how I've been feeling lately.

In progress

Finished - and put into clear bags to mail. I tested one to myself and it made it through in good condition. Hopefully the international ones made it!

All manner of thing(s) shall be well


Drawing Class, Spring 2016

A couple of drawings from Life Drawing this term:

Thing I like - I caught a little of the feeling of the light. Thing I don't like - at first she looked like a certain orange presidential candidate, but I managed to lose that.
Thing I like - the lights and darks, and the feeling of movement.  Thing I don't like - the hand.  I don't seem to be very good at hands.